Car Insurance Blog

For the lates new, updates and tips related to car insurance and warranty

6 Steps to Avoid New Car Warranty Insurance Scams

When you purchase a new vehicle, you need to consider both which make and model you are interested in, as well as whether you need to purchase an extended car warranty insurance or not. You will obviously be doing a fair bit of research into the various cars and...

new car warranty insurance, car warranty insurance

Common Questions about Comprehensive Car Insurance

When you buy a car, you need to take out a comprehensive car insurance policy to protect your investment; especially, if you are still paying your car off. The institution that granted you a loan for the car will require you to take out a comprehensive insurance...

Does Your Business Need Commercial Vehicle Insurance?

Being a business owner comes with a variety of risks, two of the most common being workers' compensation claims from employees and liability lawsuits from consumers. Another type of risk that you may not be as aware of, though, is the liability you face if one of...

Commercial vehicle insurance, extended car warranty, vehicle warranty

The A to Z of Tyre and Rim Insurance  

No matter where you live in Australia, you're bound to find yourself driving on poor road surfaces. On top of this unfortunate reality, you've probably also noticed the trend of rims getting larger at the expense of tyre walls, which are becoming narrower and...

Tyre insurance, Rim insurance, Tyre and rim insurance